The Greatest Years of Our Lives — Part 14

Peter V
2 min readNov 16, 2020

The election haas come and gone, and Joe Biden is the president elect. I guess. The Don has been throwing a weeks-long twitter tantrum and filing dozens of lawsuits (without evidence) about voter fraud. Nonetheless, the press called it after four long days, and most foreign leaders have congratulated Joe (may he live to see inauguration). The right has actually gotten behind Trump in large part, with many lawmakers and cabinet members voicing their belief that he will continue to be president come January. You could not have a more divisive political landscape, although on the upside we had the highest voter turnout since 1900, so that’s a win. Liberal people I know keep acting surprised and alarmed that more than 70 million people voted for Trump. You are not.

Sean Connery and Alex Trebek both died in the last 2 weeks.

A COVID vaccine was announced just days after the election, and the CEO of the company (Pfizer) dumped 60% of her stock on the announcement. You’ll believe it when you see it. It seems unlikely things will be anywhere near normal until well well into 2021.

Stock market is positively giddy, hitting all time highs as the election turmoil started. Bitcoin is looking rocket fueled once again. Real stuff like gold and commodities is sitting around waiting. Mr. Biden has talked about a country-wide lockdown. I’m not sure that’s really in the cards but we’ll see.

With COVID spiking, things are returning to “quarantine normal”, you are more careful about who you see and how you travel (but not suffocatingly so). Huge crowds in the streets, MAGA rally on Washington. Again: quarantine normal.




Peter V

Formal training in blockchain investigations, philosophy, IR, and classical music composition; informal training in chess, volleyball, and surfing.