The Greatest Years of Your Life — Part 9

Peter V
2 min readJun 19, 2020

To Start from the Beginning, click here.

Things feel fractured right now. In the 20 days since George Floyd’s death, police have killed 120 people in the United States. Nobody is paying attention to the fact that the largest wealth and power grab in the country’s history (to the tune of trillions printed by the Fed) has just taken place. Some states are reopening, some people are talking about a second wave of COVID, while massive crowds still march in every major US city. Confederate statues are coming down — people calling themselves patriots fight to defend effigies of those who tried to destroy the nation 150 years ago. You can’t help but wonder what November 4th will bring — day after election.

They’re working to suppress voters, they’re working to make it impossible to vote remotely, they want (poor, mostly black) people to stand in line for 5 hours during a pandemic to cast a vote. President was caught on tape saying that if everyone’s vote were counted, the republicans would be doomed… can’t let that happen. Commander-in-chief’s tweet about mail-in voting causing fraud was flagged for misinformation by twitter. A facebook account which posts exactly everything that the prez does got a suspension warning for misinformation…

But hey, the Supreme Court ruled that Trump can’t end DACA, and that you can’t be fired for being gay or trans.

On Monday, Chinese and Indian border forces got into a brawl with rocks and sticks and nails and knives, and also Kim Jong Un detonated the building on the border that he used to use to meet with South Korea.

Pick a topic, any topic. They all sound about the same.

Nasdaq hit all time highs while unemployment hit 40 million and several American cities were up in flames. Nothing to see here. Capitalism is functioning.

Don the Orange holds a rally in Tulsa; he’s really reading the room. Part’s of Bolton’s book leaked. Don encouraged Xi’s use of concentration camps for the Uighurs.

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The garden burgeons. The dog grows comfortable. Fireworks sound in the alley. You aren’t exercising as much, but music is now spilling out of you every spare moment. You took a trip to Utah. Seems in the land of the free, everyone chooses their own level of public health awareness. Things are rhythmic at home. You are a little cooped up, but thankful every day for your income, for your stable relationship, and for so many other privileges. And of your responsibility.




Peter V

Formal training in blockchain investigations, philosophy, IR, and classical music composition; informal training in chess, volleyball, and surfing.